July 15, 2019 Old State House 5 - Fifth Grade, 6 - Sixth Grade, 7 - Seventh Grade, 8 - Eighth Grade, 9-12 - High School The Boston Massacre: You be the Judge! July 15, 2019 Old State House 5 - Fifth Grade, 6 - Sixth Grade, 7 - Seventh Grade, 8 - Eighth Grade, 9-12 - High School Using material from the original trial records, students role-play the trial of the nine British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre.
July 15, 2019 Old South Meeting House 3 - Third Grade, 4 - Fourth Grade, 5 - Fifth Grade, 6 - Sixth Grade Tea is Brewing (Tea Tax Debate Program) July 15, 2019 Old South Meeting House 3 - Third Grade, 4 - Fourth Grade, 5 - Fifth Grade, 6 - Sixth Grade Students bring this pivotal moment in history to life by taking on the roles of Patriots and Loyalists and recreating the fiery tea tax debates of 1773 in the very hall where they took place.